My day hasn't ended just yet
A quick stop at convenient store for a bottle of mineral water, rocky (strawberry dipped biscuit) and 2 boxes of raisins (which I prefer for eating in the class later) then off to the class. For bringing and old habit of introvert thing (don't ask me if you don't understand), I feel quite awkward when i choose a seat then someone came and said, sorry it is already being taken and so does that seat and that seat and that seat.. Man, the whole row? Just why not the whole class? BTW, I know just my place where I can seat and no one would interfere - the last row at the back with the guys.
Just as I took a seat and opened my notes, one of the guys in front of me ask for my exercise whether I'm finished or not and if he can see it. This kind of conversation really reminded me of my old friends. (We would come early to class and compare the exercises and some of the guys would copy it straight away and none of us would mind at all!). My plain answer was no, I haven't finished it yet. I get stuck and didn't do the rest. Soon after, the guy sitting next to me asks the same question who eventually gets the same answer. (This guy give me face as if "you wouldn't mind haven't finished the exercises and just cool and relax?"). Then, again they just copied one another.
It was already 2.20 when the professor hasn't arrived yet. I heard one of the guys said, "It is so good if what I wish come true." Then, I replied back almost unheard, "I wish it too". But that wistful wish hasn't come true. She appeared later on with the test papers.
"Please submit all your exercises and I'll distribute the question papers". That makes me twitch. I looked up at my professor and said, I haven't finished it yet. Guess what she said? "Okay then, please submit it to me on the next class". Yay! What did I do to deserve that? Later on, my professor made and announcement that pleased everyone. So, I guess i've saved everyone who didn't do their homework.
The test begins. Well, of course the boys would cheat in the test without a single guilt or afraid or what so ever. Who cares anyway? They just whispered enough that I could hear them all the way to where I am seated. When the time is up and I haven't finished answering the objective questions, I asked the guy next to me. His answer? "Here, take a look at yourself." Well? So generous. After 5 minutes break, the class started. It is so good that I can catch up easily.
~ end of episode 2 ~
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