Again, sorry for the poor English.
The sun hasn't set just yet!
There I was in the middle of concentrating on how to calculate the cashbook that the sound of thunder catches my eardrum. The rain started to pour heavily. For a split second, I thought how am I gonna go home if the rain hasn't stopped, but calculating the cashbook really disturbing that I eventually forgot about the rain. It was about 6pm that the lecturer said, "I'm finished, lets call it a day." Eeih? Really? But it's pouring rain out there; you might as well continue the class. "You may stay if you like. Feel free to ask any questions because I'll be here but to those of you who want to go home, you may do so".
Ehe.. of course I picked up my bag and yay! I went outside and the rain has stopped. I opened my wallet and went walawei. I only have enough to make it home if nothing big happen. Just as I wanted to cross the road, a taxi came to drop a couple. I got myself in and told him my destination. I thought this taxi just being sent to pick me up. A destiny eh?
So much for my destiny, the meter went down and he hesitated. He asked me how much I paid before this to where I'm going. I said it is roughtly not more than 10 ringgit. And he said, the traffic was quite cramped and asked if I can pay him 15 ringgit. It did cross my mind that the route I always took wasn't that cramped on Saturday that I have to pay more than 10 ringgit. But I still just agree with him because he drove as we talked and I don't want to wait or another taxi in the middle of nowhere. He took me for a little tour from Setapak down to Bukit Bintang, went to Cheras and back to KL. (Can you believe this man?) Was it beause of 15 ringgit that I paid? Was the traffic really cramped that much? BTW, he did take me to where I want to go.
As I waited for the train, I sat next to this Singh lady. After an awkward and friendly smile, she asked me where I'm headed, and told me hers to. I enjoyed this kind of conversation because it was not just me who giving information but the other party too. To me, having alone answering the questions and not an idea about the other is kind of rude. And so, we kind of killing some time with itik and ayam talk until the train came.
The train was cramped and there was a bug that I believed was stuck in the middle of flowers. (how could he stand the stare of everyone?). Since the coach was for she only, being the only guy would stand really clearly. This guy doesn't even take his head up, but still seat silently among the entire flowers who stares until one station where some guys want to cramp in and there was a voice said clearly that this coach was not meant for he but she that he peeked a little.
As I stand and watched eveyone who came and gone, there was this Malay girl who gave up the seat she fought earlier to this elderly Chinese. A little conversation and smile exchanged. What did everyone saw? A polite girl? Or interracial politeness? Even so, why did everyone mind about race? Why was it that every time a person gave up her/his seat to another race, people would look twice as if she/he wanted some credit or something? I leave the questions pending in my head a little longer as I sat because I was exhausted.
Again, I took a taxi for 10 ringgit to my home. The sun has set and I'm home.
Was my life story sound hard or difficult? Actually it never crossed my mind that these giving me a hard time. I never felt pity for myself, but I'm a little concern when people pity me, saying I'm having the hard time when I don't even think any of these burden me. The truth is, I prefer my life just the way it is. Not everyone understands that these hardships I worked, brings me everything I'm pleased. At the end of the day, I'm always grateful that I still live to crawl in my bed when the moon slips in despite the ups and downs.
Please wait for me Mr. Sun and I miss you Miss Rain
~ The end ~
Benarlah firman Allah:
"Dan dia menundukkan malam dan siang, matahari dan bulan untukmu dan bintang-bintang dikendalikan dengan perintahNya, sungguh pada demikian itu terdapat tanda bagi orang yang berfikir"
"DAn apa yang DIa ciptakan untukmu dibumi ini dengan berbagai jenis dan warna. Sungguh pada yang demikian itu terdapat tanda kebesaran Allah bagi kaum yang mengambil pengajaran"
Surah Al-Nahl ayat 12 dan 13
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