First and foremost, sorry for the poor English. My first trial.
Me and Mr. Sun, we have each other
Waking up at 5 and seeing all those unfinished exercise papers messed up and pilled up together with my fleece and stuffed teddies, I made up my mind by choosing what's best. - fleece! I left my house at 1015am by walking to the nearest bus stand which would take 10 minutes and just missed the bus. It took me another 45 minutes for another bus. Standing and waiting under the shade of a tree with Mr. Sun who loved me very much hydrated my smile and my motivation.
Soon after dating with Mr. sun, the bus came. I used a shortcut between old housing area to reach to the commuter station and found out it was a break time and the only ticket machine wasn't working. I had to get to another counter which I have to cross to the other side. A long queue and all things went out well. So, again, it is time to spend with Mr. Sun. It takes 45 minutes roughtly to commute to interchange station and another 45 minutes before I have to take a bus or taxi to my destination.
However, it just an ordinary train. *chuckles* (know what I'm saying rite?) Stopping at nowhere station for nobody-know-why and then off to interchange station. Well, I guess because I haven't used my pass card for a long time, it retaliate. Again I have to queue at the counter to calm my little rectangular card. Heh.. Mr. sun said goodbye though.
I decided to stop at another station (Woho.. wasn't the right time to try for a new route babe!) which would take another 15 minutes more despite that i'm late on my schedule. It is exactly 1 pm when I reach the station. I took a taxi hoping that the taxi driver knew where I'm headed to. Well, I guess even though you're local doesn't necessarily you know the place well. The taxi driver doesn't know! And so, I showed him the way. (Keh.. I am so right about that place) *big smile*
10 minutes later and destination reached! Wow.. As usual, I went up straight to surau for a little rest and have these eyes of mine to shut a while. (Too much seeing things all the way!)
~ end of episode 1 ~
By: Wan jamaliyah [mak sedara saye yang baik hati]
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